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The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, & the air conditioning is on to fight the humidity. There’s no better time than summer! Our lives get busy for these few months of the year as we are finally able to enjoy some glorious weather, we don’t know anyone who wants to sit around doing nothing this time of year. But sometimes that means that our home gets a bit neglected as we want to bask in all that summer gives us. We have compiled our Summer Cleaning Checklists, as well as some handy tips to get your through the season. This Summer Maintenance Checklist is a lot shorter than the Spring one, & you can pick away at your own pace.

We think the one that needs to be at the top of the list is to clean the air conditioner filter. When the filter is clogged up with dust & dirt, it won’t function how it is supposed to & leaves it vulnerable to breaking. To clean the filter, use warm soapy water or grab the vacuum.

There is no point in having your air conditioner ready to relieve you of the humidity if your interior vents still have the winters long dust collection. Give them a once over with your vacuum’s brush attachment to get rid of the dust. For extra grimy vents, remove covers then wash them in the sink with hot, soapy water.

Summer is the best because the blinds are up & the windows are open to let in the fresh air! Unfortunately, that means your home collects more dust than normal. Which is especially frustrating when anyone in your home has allergies. Help everyone out by making an effort to dust more often through these months. You can even make your own dust cleaner that keeps your home fresh for longer. – 2 Cups Water, ¼ Cup Vinegar, 1 tbsp olive oil, 10-15 drops of citrus essential oil for a scent boost.

No doubt, your fans are going to be used this season as well. Fans are huge collectors of dust, which again can aggravate allergies. Give your fan blades a good wipe down before turning on. You can even turn the blades counterclockwise to pull cold air down, this can save you a bit on energy costs by making your air conditioner more effective.

Spending the day outside in the backyard soaking up the sun or gardening? Take advantage of the good weather & wash the windows while the hose is out. We find best results with soapy water & a sponge instead of the usual window cleaners. While you’re at it, pop out the screens & give them a sudsy clean to enjoy the fresh air inside.

We all love fresh produce, even more so through the summer. Give your fridge a wipe down to get rid of any lingering smells that may have come about & throw out that jar that you’ve been avoiding eye contact with for the last couple months. You don’t want to use any harsh chemicals as our food can absorb scents; try warm water & some baking soda, beautifully clean & neutralizes odours.

Speaking of odours, the trash will need some attention. Trash cans don’t normally smell like roses, but especially not in the summer season where everything heats up. The heat & humidity create a perfect environment for bacteria growth, which is the cause of those unpleasant smells that can linger. Be proactive and sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of your garbage bins. This will absorb the odours before they ruin your summer.

The humidity is here, giving mildew & mold the chance to grow faster. Try to get ahead of its growth in places around your home that are already humid on a regular basis – like the laundry room. We suggest leaving the washing machine door open when it is not in use to dry out the machine & lower the humidity level.

Back to the kitchen, we all keep a closer eye her in the summer as the insects are more active. Cut them off from their food source by cleaning the crumbs off the counters & sweeping the floors more frequently. It’s a quick fix building this habit as it will pay off big time.

That’s it! This Summer Maintenance Checklist is something that you pick away at whenever you have time, there’s a couple habits to inherit but trust us they do help in the long run. Now go enjoy the summer; take in the sunshine, splash in the water, & make tons of memories!