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9 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Home

Can we tell you a secret? Buying a home is not as easy as House Hunters makes it look. There is not going to be three perfectly lovely homes that tick most of your boxes and a nice, sunset scene unfolding as you agree on one home with your partner over cocktails with your agent.

Budgeting Before You Buy: Advice for First Time Buyers

h January, that seasonal reset we all need (especially after the dumpster fire that was 2020). Not to say the problems of yesterday are going away with a flip of the calendar, BUT we do have a lot of things we’d like to accomplish, and this feels like a pretty common ‘reassess and refresh’ time for most people, so there’s no time like the present! This month, Shauna is sharing some of the things her and her partner did in the buying journey that she thinks could help other young buyers out when they begin searching for a home to buy.